All posts by Marco Bellano

Marco Bellano insegna History of Animation all’Università di Padova. È autore di pubblicazioni internazionali sulla musica per film e sull’animazione, tra cui Václav Trojan: Music Composition in Czech Animated Films (CRC Press, 2019). Nel 2014 la SAS-Society for Animation Studies gli ha conferito il premio Norman McLaren-Evelyn Lambart per il miglior articolo accademico. È stato chair del 29° convegno SAS (Padova, 2017). Dottore di ricerca in cinema, è diplomato in pianoforte e direzione d’orchestra.

Call for proposals: 28th Annual International Society for Animation Studies Conference

The 28th international SAS – Society for Animation Studies Conference, “The Cosmos of Animation”, will take place from June 26 to 30, 2016, at the the School of Art, Design and Media at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

The Call for proposals is currently open; the deadline for submissions is December 21, 2015.

More info:

SAS Website

“The Cosmos of Animation” Website

Call for proposals

DAMS Animation Workshop: the 2014-15 short film

Please find below numerInazione, the short film created by the students of the 2014-15 DAMS Animation Workshop, under the supervision of prof. Raffaele Luponio. As usual, it features all the basic traditional techniques of animation. After the video, as a bonus, you will find some “backstage” pictures from the Workshop. Enjoy!

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“Animation and Italy”: Conference proceedings, Part II

The publication of the proceedings of the “Animation and Italy” conference (Univeristy of Padova, May 29-30, 2014) reaches its second installment.

The downloadable articles you will find below originally appeared in issue #178 of the journal “Cabiria – Studi di Cinema”.

Cabiria 178

The third and last installment of the proceedings will be published in issue #179 of the same journal, and on ANIMATA afterwards.

Indice e editoriale

Cristina FORMENTI, Dal neorealismo al documentario animato scientifico: le animazioni “realiste” di Gibba

Mauro GIORI, Quando l’animazione italiana tentò la via del porno. Intorno a Il nano e la strega di Gibba e Libratti

GIBBA, Come è nato L’ultimo sciuscià

Raffaella SCRIMITORE, Luigi Liberio Pensuti, film d’animazione oltre la propaganda

Marco BELLANO, «Oh… Musica moderna!» Hollywood, satira e “modernismo” nella musica di Giuseppe Piazzi per I fratelli Dinamite

Illustrations – Part 1

Illustrations – Part 2


The first part of the proceedings

The third part of the proceedings
(The proceedings are in Italian).

“Animation and Italy”: conference proceedings, part I

The quarterly cinema journal “Cabiria – Studi di Cinema” (ISSN 2038-5064) has been publishing the proceedings of the conference “Animation and Italy” since issue no. 177 (May-August 2014). The proceedings are still being published (issue no. 178, September-December 2014, has recently been released); their third and last installment will appear in issue no. 179.


Animata will make all the proceedings (and their illustrations) available as downloadable .pdf files.

In “Cabiria” no. 177:

Table of contents and foreword

Carlo MONTANARO, C’era una volta l’animazione italiana

Giannalberto BENDAZZI, Un’italiana a Parigi: Leontina “Mimma” Indelli

Anna ANTONINI e Chiara TOGNOLOTTI, Burattini animati. Le avventure di Pinocchio nel cinema animato italiano

Denis LOTTI, Sogni di bimbo a passo uno. L’animazione nel film muto italiano di propaganda bellica (1915-1917)

Illustrations – part 1

Illustrations – part 2
The second part of the proceedings

The third part of the proceedings

(The proceedings are in Italian).