All posts by Marco Bellano

Marco Bellano insegna History of Animation all’Università di Padova. È autore di pubblicazioni internazionali sulla musica per film e sull’animazione, tra cui Václav Trojan: Music Composition in Czech Animated Films (CRC Press, 2019). Nel 2014 la SAS-Society for Animation Studies gli ha conferito il premio Norman McLaren-Evelyn Lambart per il miglior articolo accademico. È stato chair del 29° convegno SAS (Padova, 2017). Dottore di ricerca in cinema, è diplomato in pianoforte e direzione d’orchestra.

History of Animation 2015-16: Lesson 3 – Videos

Sea Scouts (Dick Lundy, 1939)

Trolley Troubles (Walt Disney, 1927)

Walt Disney’s Multiplane Camera

The Thief and the Cobbler (Richard Williams, 1993)

Prologue trailer (Richard Williams, 2015)

History of Animation 2015-16: Lesson 1 – Videos

Duck Amuck (Chuck Jones, 1953)

Duck Amuck on… framing and layout

Duck Amuck on… sound

Duck Amuck on… sound (again)

Duck Amuck on… the grammar of cinema

Duck Amuck on… the nature of cinema

Duck Amuck on… the “author”


The third part of the proceedings of the conference “Animation and Italy” has recently been published in issue no. 179 of the journal “Cabiria – Studi di Cinema”.  Some of the articles (Bendazzi, Bellano, Ricci) are additional contributions on the same topic of the conference.

Cabiria 179 copertina

The articles (in Italian) are now available for download:

Indice e presentazione

Priscilla MANCINI, L’animazione dipinta. La Corrente Neopittorica del cartoon italiano

Emiliano FASANO, “Da un grande potere, deriva una grande popolarità”. Lo statuto spettatoriale del film d’animazione negli anni della convergenza: il caso Winx Club

Marco PELLITTERI, Il boom degli anime in Italia. 1978-1984: l’eccezionale successo dell’animazione giapponese

Giannalberto BENDAZZI, Emanuele Luzzati: l’uomo, la creazione e la virtù

Marco BELLANO, “Per me, è una bellissima favola”: Il flauto magico di Gianini e Luzzati

Giovanni RICCI, Rispettare la diversità: La gabbanella e il gatto tra Sepulveda e D’Alò


The first part of the proceedings

The second part of the proceedings

“Writing and Cinema. Animation and New Technologies”: vocational training course for Italian journalists at the 72th Venice Film Festival

Lido di Venezia – The Cinit-Cineforum Italiano, in collaboration with the Italian Association of Journalists, organizes a vocational training course at the 72th Venice Film Festival. The course will take place on September 12, the last day of the Festival, at the Sala consigliare della Municipalità del Lido Pellestrina, via Sandro Gallo 32/a, from 9am to 1pm.

The course is especially dedicated to journalists who write about cinema and new media; it will focus on animation, new visual technologies and the web. The two invited speakers, Marco Bellano and Massimo Nardin, will provide a general summary of the most recent researches about the nature of animation, the technology and the future of cinema. More precisely, Prof. Bellano (adjunct professor of History of Animation at the University of Padova) will focus on the visual language and the definition of animation; he will as well introduce the website “Animata – Research and Information Network on Animation”. Prof. Nardin, who graduated in photography at the IED (European Design Institute) and is teacher of Theories and Technique of the Audiovisual Language, Screenwriting and Digital Set Construction at the LUMSA University, Rome, will discuss digital images, computer graphics in live films and the state of the art in this field.

Special guest of the course will be the artist and digital animator Nicola Pecora, author of the “Saurini” RAI TV series; he will show the audience how to construct a digital set.

“The collaboration with the journalists” – said Massimo Caminiti, president of the Cinit – “is essential to the main goal of our association: to help the audience achieve a better handle on the signs and meaning inherent to any kind of information, in order to avoid prejudices or manipulations. We commit to propose soon new vocational courses about cinema, visual communication and their meaning”.

Marco Vanelli, vice-president of the Cinit and editor in chief of the cinema journal “Cabiria – Studi di cinema”, will make the closing remarks to the course.

The journalists will receive course credits, assumed that they correctly register their participation in the course through the S.I.Ge.F. website.

More info: