“Animation and Italy”: conference proceedings, part I

The quarterly cinema journal “Cabiria – Studi di Cinema” (ISSN 2038-5064) has been publishing the proceedings of the conference “Animation and Italy” since issue no. 177 (May-August 2014). The proceedings are still being published (issue no. 178, September-December 2014, has recently been released); their third and last installment will appear in issue no. 179.


Animata will make all the proceedings (and their illustrations) available as downloadable .pdf files.

In “Cabiria” no. 177:

Table of contents and foreword

Carlo MONTANARO, C’era una volta l’animazione italiana

Giannalberto BENDAZZI, Un’italiana a Parigi: Leontina “Mimma” Indelli

Anna ANTONINI e Chiara TOGNOLOTTI, Burattini animati. Le avventure di Pinocchio nel cinema animato italiano

Denis LOTTI, Sogni di bimbo a passo uno. L’animazione nel film muto italiano di propaganda bellica (1915-1917)

Illustrations – part 1

Illustrations – part 2
The second part of the proceedings

The third part of the proceedings

(The proceedings are in Italian).