Marco Bellano insegna History of Animation all’Università di Padova. È autore di pubblicazioni internazionali sulla musica per film e sull’animazione, tra cui Václav Trojan: Music Composition in Czech Animated Films (CRC Press, 2019). Nel 2014 la SAS-Society for Animation Studies gli ha conferito il premio Norman McLaren-Evelyn Lambart per il miglior articolo accademico. È stato chair del 29° convegno SAS (Padova, 2017). Dottore di ricerca in cinema, è diplomato in pianoforte e direzione d’orchestra.
A conference for the course in History of Animation
Come and discover pinscreen animation!
The pinscreen was invented and created by Alexandre Alexeïeff and Claire Parker in 1930; only 2 examples remain in the world.
Alexandre Noyer has succeeded in recreating a pinscreen to perpetuate this little-known technique.
During the conference, he will explain everything about this “image-making” machine.
From research and design, to how to use it, you will know all the secrets of the pins. And you will even be able to test the pinscreen yourself!