Marco Bellano insegna History of Animation all’Università di Padova. È autore di pubblicazioni internazionali sulla musica per film e sull’animazione, tra cui Václav Trojan: Music Composition in Czech Animated Films (CRC Press, 2019). Nel 2014 la SAS-Society for Animation Studies gli ha conferito il premio Norman McLaren-Evelyn Lambart per il miglior articolo accademico. È stato chair del 29° convegno SAS (Padova, 2017). Dottore di ricerca in cinema, è diplomato in pianoforte e direzione d’orchestra.
Federico Grandesso, international film journalist and scholar, will guest teach a class of Marco Bellano’s course in History of Animation.
Grandesso is also a teacher and researcher at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and at the Hangzhou University (China); he is also member of the steering committee of the Fondation Fellini pour le cinéma di Sion (Switzerland) and curator of exhibitions on cinema and animation.
Grandesso’s conference will focus on three recent full-length animated features from the East, that have been featured and awarded at the Venice and Annecy film festivals: Funan (Denis Do, 2018), No. 7 Cherry Lane (Yonfan, 2019) e Bombay Rose (Gitanjali Rao, 2019). Grandesso will introduce the films also on the basis of the conversation he personally had with the three directors.
Director, videomaker and author of animated music videos
Conference for the course in History of Animation
Michele Bernardi will guest teach a class in the History of Animation course. He will talk about his professional experience, including his animated music videos for Italian music bands such as i Tre allegri ragazzi morti, as well as his internationally acclaimed short films, like Mercurio.